My Supports adheres to the most up-to-date NDIS price guide for the cost of supports and/or services provided. The NDIS reviews and updates the NDIS price guide and publishes the price guide on the NDIS website. The NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue is available on the NDIS website. You can view the NDIS price guide here.

The NDIS Price Guide is subject to change and My Supports will update the cost of service/supports accordingly based on these changes by the NDIS as outlined in our Service Agreement. It is recommended that you regularly review the NDIS price Guide when updates are released to ensure that you are aware changes to the pricing linked to the supports/services that you may receive.


On the 1 July 2019 the NDIS introduced Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) to the NDIS price guide. This change to the NDIS Price Guide is only relates to Core Supports and only a number of supports in the Assistance with Daily Living category and the Social & Community Participation category. The support items that TTP has been applied to can be identified with a T at the end of the item number. An example of this is 01_011_0107_1_1_T - Assistance with Self-Care Activities - Standard - Weekday Daytime - TTP.

My Supports as a Registered Provider has the option to charge the TTP rates where/when applicable for only the identified item numbers under Core Supports.

The TTP rates can be viewed on the NDIS Guide & Pricing webpage here.

Please note: That with regards to the TTP rates, My Supports agrees that the TTP rates will only be charged if this has been agreed to on the Schedule of Supports. If this is not agreed on the Schedule of Supports then the TTP rates will not be applied.

The price limit for each TTP item is higher than the price limit for the non-TTP item. The difference in price limits is 7.5% in 2019-20 and this is to reduce by 1.5 percentage points each financial year thereafter. My Supports adheres to the TTP rates as per the most up-to-date NDIS Price Guide at the time of supports/services being provided.

Further information on TTP, can be reviewed in the Support Catalogue on the NDIS Guide & Pricing webpage here.


My Supports Short Notice Cancellation policy is as per the most up-to-date NDIS Price Guide. Information on this can be viewed in the Support Category on the NDIS website under the NDIS Guide and Pricing webpage here.

It is recommended that you regularly review the NDIS Guide and Pricing page of the NDIS website, when updates are released to ensure that you are aware of NDIS Price Guide changes to the Short Notice Cancellation adhered to by My Supports for the supports/services that you may receive.