My Supports is committed to the health and wellbeing of all staff, clients, families, contractors and communities of My Supports. As a client of My Supports, it is important that you are provided with the information and links to resources so you can make the most informed decision regarding the COVID 19 vaccination. The Australian Governments COVID-19 Vaccination rollout commenced on 21st February 2021 in a staggered phased approach.
What My Supports are doing?
• Encouraging all members of the My Supports team to receive the vaccination while maintaining current COVID-19 safety practices
• Preparing all staff and clients with easy-to-read information and links to Government and/or Government Health services
• Holding regular open discussions regarding the vaccination
• Maintaining accurate and up to date documentation regarding vaccinations • Encouraging the vaccination in line with current implemented COVID-19 guidelines and general practices
Further information
To access the most up to date government released information and frequently asked questions, please follow the following links:
COVID-19 Vaccine Information Hub:
COVID-19 Vaccine Overview: 19-vaccine-overview-easy-read.pdf
Eligibility checker: COVID-19 Consent Form: covid-19-vaccination
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions: