NDIS Update

NDIS Roll Out in Full Swing!

More than 78,000 Australians with disability now benefit from the NDIS, with 14,357 participants receiving a NDIS plan between January and March this year!

New South Wales has been very busy, with the NDIS now being rolled out to most of Sydney. In Victoria, two new metro regions will be formally launched in November, Inner and North East — plans are already being actioned by the NDIA. In South Australia, the 1st of July 2017 marked the start of the roll out to adults. The launch in Queensland is still focused in specific regions. The NDIS still has over 350,000 plans to complete over the next two years.

In Western Australia, the NDIS will not be taking on any new participants within the trail site until the decision is made of which system will be used going forward. All new participants will be referred to a WANDIS LAC. This will not affect any current participants of the NDIS in WA. We will keep you up to date with any developments.