DPO/FO NDIS Provider Working Group Introduction & Invitation

What is the DPO/FO NDIS Provider Working Group?

The DPO/FO NDIS Provider Working Group is a group of NDIS service providers who believe:

1) The emerging NDIS marketplace will be more diverse and end-user focused if people with a disability and their families play a role in designing, managing and delivering NDIS services

2) That the experiences and insights of people with a disability and their families can lead to innovative, person-centred and disability-rights thinking in NDIS services

These providers have come together in a national Working Group to :

1) Learn from each other, discuss common challenge

2) Raise the awareness of the exciting innovations and support options coming from DPO/FO NDIS provider movement

The Working Group is new, but is now moving to develop a more formal structure and develop key priorities together as a group

NDIA are being supportive of the groups own initiative and have appointed a delegate

Who can become members of the Working Group?

Any NDIS provider can become a member of the Working Group, as long as they meet the NDIA definition of a DPO/FO organisation:

Disabled Peoples Organisations and Family Organisations (DPO/FOs) with paid staff and a Board, who meet both of the eligibility criteria outlined below:

Actively evidence and demonstrate their commitment to the Social Model of Disability, which seeks to remove barriers for people with disability to access mainstream services and live an ordinary life; and

Are run by and for people with disability and/or their families which is supported by evidence of a minimum of 50% of people with a disability and/or their families making up the organisation’s board or staff (or both*).

Disabled Peoples Organisations and Family Organisations (DPO/FOs) with no paid staff, that meet both of the criteria outlined below:

Actively demonstrate their commitment to the Social Model of Disability, which seeks to remove barriers for people with disability to access mainstream services and live an ordinary life; and

Are run by and for people with disability and/or their families, which is supported by a minimum membership of 50% of people with a disability and/or their families making up the organisation’s volunteers.

The social model of disability proposes that what makes someone disabled is not their medical condition, but the attitudes and structures of society. 

* The Working Group is looking to prioritise members who are both – but we are feeling our way, and are keen to hear from “either/or” organisations

Next Steps

1) Are you interested in joining the Working Group and working together to learn from each other and be a stronger voice in the sector?

2) Are you are PDO/FO organisation? (either a “both” organisation, or a “and/or” organisation – see NDIA definition)?

3) Please drop an email to the two convenors:

Terry Mader, My Supports (NSW, VIC, QLD, WA & SA) – terry.mader@mysupports.com.au

Louise Lowe, QSSS (QLD) - louise@qsss.com.au

4) A National telephone hook up is being arranged with founding members and we would very much like your views and opinions

Hope to hear from you!

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