Walgett is a remote town in North-West NSW with a population of 2,500.
It is 8 – 9 hours from Sydney and is a gateway to opal fields further West. It is a culturally rich town, with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people making up 29.4% of the population.
Katie Hook is a Neighbourhood Team Coordinator here. “The good things are the peace and quiet, the stars at night, and it seems easier to build friendships in a small town,” says Katie. “The challenges are distance to services, and no major shopping centres or entertainment venues.”
Katie has been with My Supports since August 2018 and has embraced her work in Walgett. One of the things she enjoys most is assisting those with a disability to access the NDIS and implementing their plans. “It gives them all a better way of living without financial hardship,” says Katie.
Barbara and Timothy are clients Katie supports. “They communicate with me and listen to me,” is what Barbara likes about working with Katie. Timothy likes that, “My Support Worker does as I require even if my needs change. They are flexible and works with me.” Timothy also works with Jenny Trindall, the My Supports Support Worker.