Sue was reluctant for a little while about meeting with a Support Worker as she has never had anyone help her and support her before, other than immediate family.
She is very independent and has managed her vision impairment so well over the years that it was hard to admit that she needed a little support in some areas. This is Sue’s first NDIS plan, so she was very new to the whole thing.
After the initial coffee Meet and Greet, Sue and her Support Worker, Debbie Gomes, were clearly a good match. They ended up also having lunch together that same day. Since their first introduction, Sue and Debbie have worked together on labelling her favourite recipes and cooking utensils with a Braille Labeller. Slowly building confidence and working through the anxiety of cooking when on her own.
Thinking outside the box, with practice Sue is able to tell when things are cooked or baked without being able to see — simply by feel and smell.
Recently, her successes include sausage rolls, quiche Lorraine, and a large quiche florentine. “With the left-over pastry scraps, I also bake ham and cheese scrolls.”
Sue is supported by the My Supports Neighbourhood Team, Northern Adelaide (Coordinator, Jaqui Gale).